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July crisis and the war beginning

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The FIRST WORLD WAR (on July, 28th 1914 – on November, 11th 1918), the first military conflict of a world scale in which have been involved 38 of 59 independent states existing at that time. About 73,5 million persons have been mobilized; from them are killed and have died of 9,5 million wounds, more than 20 million are wounded, 3,5 million remained cripples.

Principal causes. Search of the reasons of war conducts to 1871 when process of association of Germany and hegemony of Prussia has come to the end has been fixed in the German empire. At the chancellor of the Island a background Bismarck which aspired to revive system of the unions, the foreign policy of the German government was defined by aspiration to achieve a leading position of Germany in Europe. To deprive France possibility to revenge for defeat in ex-Prussian war, Bismarck has tried to connect Russia and Austro-Hungary with Germany confidential agreements (1873). However Russia has supported France, and the Union of three emperors has broken up. To 1882 Bismarck has strengthened positions of Germany, having created the Tripartite alliance in which have united Austro-Hungary, Italy and Germany. To 1890 Germany left for the first roles in the European diplomacy.

France left diplomatic isolation and in 1891–1893. Having used cooling of relations between Russia and Germany, and also requirement of Russia for new capitals, she has concluded the military convention and the contract on the union with Russia. The Russian-French union should serve as a counterbalance to the Tripartite alliance. Great Britain while stood away from rivalry on continent, however pressure of political and economic circumstances has forced it to make in due course the choice. Nationalist sentiments reigning in Germany, its aggressive colonial policy, prompt industrial expansion and, mainly, escalating of power of navy fleet should disturb Englishmen. A series concerning fast diplomatic maneuvers has led to elimination of distinctions in positions of France and Great Britain and to the conclusion in 1904 so-called« The warm consent »(Entente Cordiale). Obstacles in a way to the English-Russian cooperation have been overcome, and in 1907 the English-Russian agreement has been entered into. Russia became participant Antanty. Great Britain, France and Russia have formed the union the Triple consent (Triple Entente) in a counterbalance to the Tripartite alliance. Thereby the section of Europe on two armed camps was issued.
Universal strengthening of nationalist sentiments became one of the war reasons. Formulating the interests, ruling circles of each of the European countries aspired to present them as national expectations. France bore plans of returning of the lost territories of Alsace and Lorraine. Italy, even being in the union with Austro-Hungary, dreamed to return the earths Trentino, Trieste and Fiume. Poles saw possibility of a reconstruction of the state destroyed by sections of 18 century To national independence in war many people occupying Austro-Hungary aspired. Russia has been convinced that cannot develop without restriction of the German competition, protection of Slavs against Austro-Hungary and influence expansion on the Balkans. In Berlin the future contacted defeat of France and Great Britain and association of the countries of the Central Europe under the direction of Germany. In London believed that the people of Great Britain will live easy, only having broken the main enemy – Germany.

Intensity in the international relations has been strengthened by a number of diplomatic crises – the ex-German collision in Morocco in 1905–1906; annexation by the Austrians of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908–1909; at last, the Balkan wars 1912–1913. Great Britain and France supported interests of Italy in the North Africa and by that have so weakened its adherence to the Tripartite alliance that Germany practically could not count on Italy any more as on the ally in the future war.
July crisis and the war beginning. After the Balkan wars against an Austro-Hungarian monarchy there has been begun active nationalist propagation. The group of Serbs, members of the secret organization «Young Bosnia», has made decision to kill the successor of a throne of Austro-Hungary эрцгерцога Frantsa Ferdinand. Possibility was for this purpose presented, when that together with the wife has gone to Bosnia on doctrines of Austro-Hungarian armies. Frants Ferdinand has been killed in the city of Sarajevo by grammar-school boy Gavrilo the Principle on June, 28th 1914.

Intending to begin war against Serbia, Austro-Hungary has got support of Germany. Last considered that war will accept local character if Russia not begins to protect Serbia. But if that assists Serbia also Germany will be ready to execute the treaty obligations and to support Austro-Hungary. In the ultimatum shown to Serbia on July, 23rd, Austro-Hungary has demanded to admit on territory of Serbia the military formations that together with the Serbian forces to stop hostile actions. The answer to the ultimatum has been given in the term stipulated the 48-sentry, but it has not satisfied Austro-Hungary, and on July, 28th it has declared Serbia war. S.D.Sazonov, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Russia, has openly opposed Austro-Hungary, having received assurances of support from the French president R.Puankare. On July, 30th Russia declared general mobilization; Germany used this occasion on August, 1st to declare war of Russia, and on August, 3rd – France. The position of Great Britain still remained uncertain owing to its treaty obligations on protection of a neutrality of Belgium. In 1839, and then during ex-Prussian war Great Britain, Prussia and France have given to this country collective guarantees of a neutrality. After intrusion of Germans on August, 4th to Belgium Great Britain has declared war of Germany. Now all great powers of Europe have been involved in war. Together with them their dominions and colonies have been involved in war.
War can be divided into three periods. During the first period (1914–1916) Central powers achieved overweight of forces on a land, and allies commanded the seas. Position seemed патовым. This period has come to the end with negotiations about the mutually acceptable world, but each of the parties still hoped for a victory. During the following period (1917) there were two events which have led to a disbalance of forces: the first – the introduction into war of the USA on party Antanty, the second – revolution to Russia and its withdrawal from a war. The third period (1918) has begun last large approach of the Central powers in the west. Failure of this approach was followed by revolutions in Austro-Hungary and Germany and capitulation of the Central powers.

The first period. Allied forces included in the beginning Russia, France, Great Britain, Serbia, Montenegro and Belgium and possessed the overwhelming superiority on the sea. Антанта had 316 cruisers, and at Germans and their Austrians was 62. But the last have found a counteraction powerful tool – submarines. To the beginning of war of army of the Central powers totaled 6,1 million persons; armies Antanty – 10,1 million persons. The central powers possessed advantage in internal communications that allowed them to throw operatively armies and equipment from one front on another. In long prospect of the country Antanty possessed surpassing resources of raw materials and the foodstuffs as the British fleet has paralysed communications of Germany with the overseas countries, whence before war on the German enterprises copper, tin and nickel arrived. Thus, in case of dragged-out war of Antanta could count on a victory. Germany, knowing it, staked on lightning war – "blitzkrieg".

Germans have installed the plan of Shliffena, assuming to provide with approach by large forces to France through Belgium fast success in the West. After defeat of France Germany counted together with Austro-Hungary, having thrown the released armies, to strike solving blow in the east. But this plan has not been carried out. Sending of a part of German divisions to Lorraine on purpose began one of the main reasons of its failure to block intrusion of the opponent into southern Germany. On the night of August, 4th Germans have intruded on territory of Belgium. They needed some days to break resistance of defenders of the strengthened areas of Namur and Liege blocking a way to Bruxelles, but thanks to this delay Englishmen have forwarded almost 90-thousand forwarding case through La Manche to France (on August, 9-17th). Frenchmen have won time for formation of 5 armies which have constrained approach of Germans. Nevertheless on August, 20th the German army has occupied Bruxelles, then has compelled Englishmen to leave Mons (on August, 23rd), and on September, 3rd the army of general А.фон of Kluka has appeared in 40 km from Paris. Continuing approach, Germans forced the river Marne and on September, 5th have stopped along a line Paris – Verdun. The commander of the French forces general Z.Zhoffr, having generated from reserves two new armies, has made the decision on transition in counterattack.
The first battle on Marne has begun 5 and has come to the end on September, 12th. In it participated 6 English-French and 5 German armies. Germans have suffered defeat. Absence on the right flank of several divisions which should be thrown on east front became one of the reasons of their defeat. The French approach to the weakened right flank has made inevitable a withdrawal of German armies to the north, on a river Ena boundary. Unsuccessful for Germans there were also battles in Flanders on the rivers Izer and Ieper on October, 15th - on November, 20th. As a result the basic ports on La Manche remained in hands of allies that provided the message between France and England. Paris has been rescued, and the countries Antanty have received time for mobilization of resources. War in the west has accepted item character, calculation of Germany on defeat and a conclusion of France from war has appeared insolvent.

Opposition went on a line lasting on the south from Newport and Ieper in Belgium, to Kompenu and Suassonu, further on the east round Verdun and on the south to a ledge near Sen-Mijelja, and then jugo-to the east – to the Swiss border. Along this line of tranches and wire entanglements extent apprx. 970 km conducted four years окопная war. Till March 1918 any, even front line minor alterations were reached by huge losses from both parties.

There were hopes that on East front Russian can break armies of the block of the Central powers. On August, 17th Russian armies have entered East Prussia and began to restrict Germans to Kenigsbergu. It was entrusted to supervise over counterattack to German generals of Gindenburgu and Ljudendorfu. Having used errors of Russian command, Germans managed to hammer "wedge" between two Russian armies, to crush them on August, 26-30th near Tannenberga and to force out from East Prussia. Austro-Hungary operated not so successfully, having refused intention quickly to crush Serbia and having concentrated large forces between Vistula and Dnestr. But Russian have begun approach in a southern direction, have broken through defense of Austro-Hungarian armies and, having taken prisoner some thousand persons, have occupied the Austrian province Galicia and a part of Poland. Advancement of Russian armies has created threat of Silesia and Poznan – to important industrial regions for Germany. Germany has been compelled to throw additional forces from France. But the acute shortage of ammunition and the foodstuffs have stopped advancement of Russian armies. Approach costed to Russia huge victims, but has undermined power of Austro-Hungary and compelled Germany to hold great strengths on East front.
In August 1914 war of Germany declared Japan. In October 1914 on the party of the block of the Central powers war was entered by Turkey. With the beginning of war Italy, a member of the Tripartite alliance, declared the neutrality on the ground that neither Germany, nor Austro-Hungary have not undergone to an attack. But on confidential London negotiations in March-May of 1915 countries Antanty promised to satisfy territorial claims of Italy during post-war peaceful settlement in the event that Italy will act on their party. On May, 23rd 1915 Italy has declared war of Austro-Hungary, and on August, 28th 1916 – Germany.

On the western front Englishmen have suffered defeat in the second battle near Ieper. Here during the fights proceeding within month (on April, 22nd - on May, 25th 1915), the chemical weapon for the first time has been used. After that (chlorine, phosgene, and later yperite) both belligerent parties began to apply poisoning gases. Large-scale Dardanellsky landing operation has come to the end with defeat also – sea expedition which was equipped with the countries Antanty in the beginning 1915 on purpose to take Constantinople, to open passages Dardanelless and Bosporus for communication with Russia through Black sea, to deduce Turkey from war and to involve on the party of allies the Balkan states. On East front by the end 1915 German and Austro-Hungarian armies have forced out Russian almost from all Galicia and with большей parts of territory of Russian Poland. But to force Russia to the separate world and it was not possible. In October 1915 Bulgaria has declared war of Serbia then the Central powers together with the new Balkan ally have overstepped the limits of Serbia, Montenegro and Albania. Having grasped Romania and having covered the Balkan flank, they were developed against Italy.
Sea war. The control on the sea gave the chance to Englishmen to move freely armies and technics from all parts of the empire to France. They held opened sea communications for trading courts of the USA. German colonies have been grasped, and trade of Germans through shipping routes has been stopped. As a whole the German fleet – except underwater – has been blocked in the ports. Only from time to time small flotillas left for blow drawing on the British seaside cities and attacks on trading vessels of allies. For all war there was only one large sea battle – when the German fleet left to the North Sea and has unexpectedly met with British near the Danish coast of Jutland. Jutlandsky battle 1916 has led on May, 31st - on June, 1st to heavy losses from both parties: Englishmen have lost 14 ships, apprx. 6800 persons killed, captured and wounded; the Germans considering with winners, – 11 ships and apprx. 3100 persons killed and wounded men. Nevertheless Englishmen have forced German fleet to depart to Kiel where it has been actually blocked. The German fleet in the high sea did not appear any more, and the empress of the seas there was Great Britain.

Having occupied an ascendent position on the sea, allies gradually cut off the Central powers from overseas sources of raw materials and the foodstuffs. According to international law, the neutral countries, for example the USA, could sell the goods which were not considered as "military contraband», to other neutral countries – to the Netherlands or Denmark, whence these goods could be delivered and to Germany. However the at war countries usually did not connect themselves observance of norms of international law, and Great Britain has so expanded the list of the cargoes which were considered illicit that actually of nothing passed through the barriers in the North Sea.

Sea blockade has forced Germany to resort to drastic measures. Its unique effective remedy on the sea there was the underwater fleet capable free to bypass surface barriers and to heat the trading ships of the neutral countries supplying allies. The turn of the countries Antanty has come to accuse Germans of infringement of the international law which obliged to rescue commands and passengers of the torpedoed ships.
On February, 18th 1915 government of Germany declared waters round British isles a military zone and has warned about danger of calling in them of courts of the neutral countries. On May, 7th 1915 German submarine torpedoed and has sunk an ocean steamship "Luzitanija" with hundreds passengers onboard, including 115 citizens of the USA. The president V.Wilson has protested, the USA and Germany have exchanged sharp diplomatic notes.

Verdun and Somme. Germany was ready to go on some concessions on the sea and to search for an exit from deadlock in actions on a land. In April 1916 English armies have already suffered serious defeat at the Kut-ale-amare in Mesopotamia where in a captivity to Turks 13 000 persons have surrendered. On continent Germany prepared for carrying out of large-scale offensive operation on the Western front which should break a course of war and force France to ask about the world. As key point of the French defence the fortress Verdun served. After unprecedented on capacity of artillery bombardment of 12 German divisions on February, 21st 1916 have gone over to the offensive. Germans slowly moved ahead up to the beginning of July, but the planned purposes and have not achieved. Verdun "meat grinder" obviously has not justified calculations of the German command. In spring and summer 1916 operations on East and Southwest fronts had great value. In March Russian armies at the desire of allies have performed operation at the lake Naroch, essentially affected a course of operations in France. German command has been compelled for some time to stop attacks to Verdun and, keeping on East front of 0,5 million persons, to throw here in addition a part of reserves. In the end of May 1916 Russian Supreme command has begun approach to Southwest front. During operations under A.A.Brusilova's command it was possible to carry out break of Austro-German armies on depth of 80-120 km. Armies of Brusilova have occupied a part of Galicia and Bukovina, have entered into Carpathians. For the first time for all previous period of item war the front has been broken through. If this approach has been supported by other fronts would end with accident for the Central powers. To weaken pressure upon Verdun, on July, 1st 1916 allies have put counterstroke on the river Somme, near Bapoma. Within four months – up to November – not stopping attacks were conducted. The English-French armies, having lost apprx. 800 thousand persons, and could not break through the German front. At last, in December the German command has decided to stop approach which costed to a life of 300 000 German soldiers. Campaign 1916 has carried away more than 1 million lives, but has not brought notable results of any of the parties.
Bases for peace talks. In the beginning 20 century have completely changed ways of conducting military operations. Extent of fronts has much more increased, armies battled on the strengthened boundaries and conducted attacks from entrenchments, in offensive combats machine guns and artillery began to play a huge role. New types of the weapon have been applied: tanks, fighters and bombers, submarines, suffocating gases, manual pomegranates. Every tenth inhabitant of the at war country has been mobilised, and 10 % of the population were engaged in army supply. In the at war countries for a usual civil life almost does not remain places: all submitted to the titanic efforts directed on maintenance of a military vehicle. The total cost of war, including property losses, by various estimations, made from 208 to 359 bln. dollars By the end 1916 both parties have got tired of war, and it seemed that the right moment to start peace talks has come.






The second period. On December, 12th 1916 Central powers have addressed to the USA with the request to transfer to allies the note with the offer on the beginning of peace talks. Антанта has rejected this offer, suspecting that it has been made to disorganise a coalition on purpose. Besides, she did not wish to speak about the world which would not provide payment of reparations and a recognition of the right of the nations on self-determination. President Wilson has decided to initiate peace talks and on December, 18th 1916 has addressed to the at war countries with the request to define mutually acceptable conditions of the world.

Germany still 1916 has suggested to call on December, 12th peace conference. The civil authorities of Germany obviously strove for peace, but they were resisted by generals, especially general Ljudendorf who has been assured of a victory. Allies concretised the conditions: restoration of Belgium, Serbia and Montenegro; a withdrawal of troops from France, Russia and Romania; reparations; returning of France of Alsace and Lorraine; clearing of the subject people, including Italians of Poles, Czechs, elimination of Turkish presence at Europe.

Allies did not trust Germany and consequently seriously did not perceive idea of peace talks. Germany intended to take part in December 1916 in peace conference, relying on benefits of the martial law. Business has ended with that allies have signed the confidential agreements calculated on defeat of the Central powers. According to these agreements, Great Britain applied for German colonies and a part of Persia; France should receive Alsace and Lorraine, and also to establish the control on the left coast of Rhine; Russia got Constantinople; Italy – Trieste, Austrian Tirol, the most part of Albania; possession of Turkey were subject to section between all allies.
The introduction into war of the USA. In the beginning of war the public opinion in the USA was divided: one openly acted on the party of allies; others – as, for example, the Americans of the Irish origin who have been adjusted with hostility in relation to England, and Americans of a German origin – supported Germany. Eventually government officials and ordinary citizens were more and more declined on party Antanty. That was promoted by some factors, and first of all propagation of the countries Antanty and a submarine war of Germany.

President Wilson 1917 has stated on January, 22nd conditions of the world comprehensible to the USA in the senate. The main thing from them was reduced to the requirement «the world without a victory», i.e. without annexations and contributions; others included principles of equality of the people, the right of the nations to self-determination and representation, freedom of the seas and trade, reduction of armaments, refusal of system of competing alliances. If to make the peace on the basis of these principles, Wilson it is possible to create the world organisation of the states guaranteeing safety for all people confirmed. On January, 31st 1917 government of Germany declared renewal of an unlimited submarine war for the purpose of infringement of communications of the opponent. Submarines blocked lines of supply of Antanty and have put allies in extremely difficult situation. Among Americans animosities to Germany as blockade of Europe from the West foretold troubles and for the USA accrued. In case of a victory Germany could establish the control over all Atlantic ocean.

Along with noted circumstances to war on the party of allies of the USA pushed also other promptings. Economic interests of the USA as military orders have led to fast growth of the American industry directly have been connected with the countries Antanty. In 1916 aggressive spirit it was urged on by plans on working out of programs of preparation of operations. The Antigerman moods of North Americans have even more increased after the publication on March, 1st Cimmerman's 1917 confidential dispatches from the January, 16th 1917, the intercepted British investigation and transferred to Wilson. The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany A.Tsimmerman offered Mexico states Texas, New Mexico and Arizona if it supports actions of Germany in reply to the introduction of the USA into war on party Antanty. To the beginning of April the Antigerman moods in the USA have reached such heat that the Congress 1917 has voted on April, 6th for declaration of war of Germany.
Exit of Russia from war. In February 1917 in Russia there was a revolution. Tsar Nikolay II has been compelled to abdicate. The provisional government (March – November 1917) could not conduct active military operations on fronts any more as the population is the extremely tired from war. On December, 15th 1917 Bolsheviks who have taken the power in November 1917, ценою huge concessions have signed the contract on an armistice with the Central powers. In three months, on March, 3rd 1918, Brest-Lithuanian the peace treaty has been concluded. Russia has refused the rights to Poland, Estonia, Ukraine, a part of Belarus, Latvia, Transcaucasia and Finland. Ардаган, Kars and Batum have departed to Turkey; huge concessions have been made Germany and Austria. In total Russia has lost apprx. 1 million in sq. km. She has been obliged to pay also Germany the contribution at a rate of 6 billion marks.

The third period. Germans had enough bases for optimism. The German management used easing of Russia, and then and its exit from war for replenishment of resources. Now it could throw east army on the West and concentrate armies to approach mainstreams. Allies, without knowing, blow whence will follow, have been compelled to strengthen positions on all front. The American help was late. In France and Great Britain with menacing force defeatist moods accrued. On October, 24th 1917 Austro-Hungarian armies have broken through the Italian front under Kaporetto and have inflicted defeat of the Italian army.

The German approach 1918. In the foggy morning on March, 21st 1918 Germans have put a crippling stroke on English positions near Sen-Kantena. Englishmen have been compelled to recede almost to Amiens, and its loss threatened to break off uniform English-French front. The destiny of Calais and Boulogne has hung on a hair.

On May, 27th Germans have developed powerful approach against Frenchmen in the south, having rejected them to Shato-Terri. The situation 1914 has repeated: Germans left to the river Marne of all in 60 km from Paris.

However approach costed to Germany of severe losses – both human, and material. German armies have been exhausted, the system of their supply is loosened. Allies have managed to neutralise German submarines, having created systems of an escort and anti-submarine protection. Thus blockade of the Central powers was carried out so effectively that in Austria and Germany shortage of the foodstuffs began to be felt.

Soon the long-awaited American help has started to arrive to France. Ports from Bordeaux to Brest have been filled by the American armies. To the beginning of summer 1918 in France has landed about 1 million American soldiers.

On July, 15th 1918 Germans have made last attempt of break at Shato-Terri. The second solving battle on Marne was developed. In case of break Frenchmen should leave Rheims that, in turn, could lead to deviation of allies on all front. During the first hours approaches the German armies moved ahead, but not so quickly, predictably.
The German approach 1918. In the foggy morning on March, 21st 1918 Germans have put a crippling stroke on English positions near Sen-Kantena. Englishmen have been compelled to recede almost to Amiens, and its loss threatened to break off uniform English-French front. The destiny of Calais and Boulogne has hung on a hair.

On May, 27th Germans have developed powerful approach against Frenchmen in the south, having rejected them to Shato-Terri. The situation 1914 has repeated: Germans left to the river Marne of all in 60 km from Paris.

However approach costed to Germany of severe losses – both human, and material. German armies have been exhausted, the system of their supply is loosened. Allies have managed to neutralise German submarines, having created systems of an escort and anti-submarine protection. Thus blockade of the Central powers was carried out so effectively that in Austria and Germany shortage of the foodstuffs began to be felt.

Soon the long-awaited American help has started to arrive to France. Ports from Bordeaux to Brest have been filled by the American armies. To the beginning of summer 1918 in France has landed about 1 million American soldiers.

On July, 15th 1918 Germans have made last attempt of break at Shato-Terri. The second solving battle on Marne was developed. In case of break Frenchmen should leave Rheims that, in turn, could lead to deviation of allies on all front. During the first hours approaches the German armies moved ahead, but not so quickly, predictably.

Last approach of allies. On July, 18th 1918 counterattack of the American and French armies has begun to weaken on purpose pressure upon Shato-Terri. First they moved ahead hardly, but on August, 2nd took Suasson. In battle near Amiens on August, 8th the German armies have suffered a crushing defeat, and it has undermined their morale. Earlier the German chancellor the prince a background of Gertling believed that by September allies will request the world. «We hoped to take Paris by the end of July, – he recollected. – so we thought on fifteenth of July. And the eighteenth even the greatest optimists among us have understood that all is lost». Some military men convinced Kaiser Wilhelm II that war is lost, however Ljudendorf refused to recognise defeat.

Approach of allies has begun and on other fronts. On June, 20-26th Austro-Hungarian armies have been rejected for the river Pjave, their losses have made 150 thousand persons. In Austro-Hungary ethnic excitements – not without influence of allies which encouraged desertion of Poles, Czechs and southern Slavs inflamed. The central powers have collected the rests of forces to constrain expected intrusion into Hungary. The way to Germany has been opened.
Tanks and the massed artillery bombardments became important factors of approach. In the beginning of August 1918 attacks to key German positions have amplified. In Memuarah Ljudendorf named on August, 8th – the fight beginning near Amiens – «in the rainy day for the German army». The German front has been broken off: in a captivity almost without fight the whole divisions surrendered. By the end of September even Ljudendorf was ready to capitulation. After September approach of Antanty to Soloniksky front on September, 29th the armistice was signed by Bulgaria. In a month Turkey, and on November, 3rd – Austro-Hungary capitulated.

For negotiations about the world in Germany the moderate government led by prince Max Badensky who already 1918 has suggested president Wilson to begin on October, 5th negotiating process has been generated. Last week October the Italian army has undertaken general approach against Austro-Hungary. By October, 30th resistance of the Austrian armies has been broken. A cavalry and armoured cars of Italians have made prompt spot-check in backs of the opponent and have grasped the Austrian staff in Vittorio-Veneto, the city which has entitled all fight. On October, 27th emperor Charles I has addressed about an armistice, and on October, 29th 1918 has agreed on conclusion of peace on any terms.

Revolution in Germany. On October, 29th the Kaiser has secretly left Berlin and has gone to the Joint Staff, feeling in safety only under army protection. This very day in port Kiel the command of two fighting ships has taken the fling and has refused to put to sea on the fighting task. By November, 4th Kiel has passed under control of the risen seamen. 40 000 armed people intended to establish councils of soldier's and sailor's deputies about the Russian sample in northern Germany. By November, 6th risen took the power in Luebeck, Hamburg and Bremen. Meanwhile a supreme commander in chief of allies general Fosh has declared that is ready to accept representatives of the government of Germany and to discuss with them armistice conditions. To the Kaiser have informed that the army any more does not submit to it. On November, 9th he has abdicated, the republic has been proclaimed. Next day the emperor of Germany ran to the Netherlands where has lived in exile up to the death (mind. 1941).
On November, 11th at station Retond in Kompensky wood (France) the German delegation has signed the Kompensky armistice. Germans were recommended to release within two weeks occupied territories, including Alsace and Lorraine, the left coast of Rhine and предмостные strengthenings in Mainz, Koblenz and Cologne; to establish on the right coast of Rhine a neutral zone; to transfer to allies of 5000 heavy and field tools, 25 000 machine guns, 1700 planes, 5000 steam locomotives, 150 000 railway cars, 5000 cars; immediately to release all captured. The Navies should hand over all submarines and all surface fleet and return all trading vessels of allies grasped by Germany. Political positions of the contract provided denouncement Brest-Lithuanian and Bucharest peace treaties; financial – payment of reparations for destructions and returning of values. Germans tried to conclude an armistice on a basis of "Fourteen points» Wilson which as they considered, can form a preliminary basis «the world without a victory». Conditions of an armistice demanded practically unconditional surrender. Allies dictated the conditions of bloodless Germany.






Conclusion of peace. Peace conference has taken place in 1919 in Paris; during sessions agreements concerning five peace treaties were defined. After its end have been signed: 1) the Versailles peace treaty with Germany on June, 28th 1919; 2) the Sen-Zhermensky peace treaty with Austria on September, 10th 1919; 3) the Nejisky peace treaty with Bulgaria on November, 27th 1919; 4) the Trianonsky peace treaty with Hungary on June, 4th 1920; 5) the Sevrsky peace treaty with Turkey on August, 20th 1920. Subsequently under the Lozannsky contract on July, 24th 1923 changes have been made to the Sevrsky contract.

At peace conference in Paris were 32 states are presented. Each delegation had the staff of the experts giving the information concerning geographical, historical and an economic situation of those countries on which decisions were taken out. After Orlando left the internal council, not satisfied with the decision of a problem of territories on Adriatic Sea, «the big three» – Wilson, Klemanso and Lloyd George became the main architect of the post-war world.

Wilson has made a compromise on several important points to reach an overall objective – creations of League of the nations. He has agreed with disarmament only the Central powers though originally insisted on general disarmament. Number of German army was limited and should make no more than 115 000 persons; the general compulsory military service was cancelled; armed forces of Germany should be completed from volunteers with service life of 12 years for soldiers and till 45 years for officers. Germany it was forbidden to have warplanes and submarines. Similar conditions contained in the peace treaties signed with Austria, Hungary and BulgariaBetween Klemanso and Wilson fierce discussion of the status of the left coast of Rhine was developed. Frenchmen from safety reasons intended to annex this area with its powerful collieries and the industry and to create the independent Rhine state. The plan of France contradicted Wilson's offers, opposing annexations and for self-determination of the nations. The compromise has been reached after Wilson has agreed to sign free military contracts with France and Great Britain, across which USA and Great Britain were obliged to support France in case of an attack of Germany. The following decision was accepted: the left coast of Rhine and a 50-kilometer strip on the right coast will be demilitarized, but remain as a part of Germany and under its sovereignty. Allies have occupied a number of points of this zone for a period of 15 years. The coal-fields known under the name Saarsky pool, also took over France for 15 years; The Saarsky area arrived under management of the commission of League of the nations. After 15-year-old term plebiscite carrying out of the state accessory of this territory was provided. Italy has got to Trentino, Trieste and the most part of Istria, but not island Fiume. Nevertheless the Italian extremists have grasped Fiume. And to again created state Yugoslavia the right has been given Italy to solve a question on disputable territories. Under the Versailles contract Germany lost the colonial possession. Great Britain has got German East Africa and the western part of German Cameroon and That, – to the South African Union, Australia and New Zealand – South West Africa, northeast areas of New Guinea with adjoining archipelago and Samoa Islands were transferred to the British dominions. France has got the most part of That German and east part of Cameroon. Japan has received the belonging Germany Marshallovy, Mariana both Carolines in Pacific ocean and port of Tsingtao in China. Secret contracts among powers-winners assumed also section of Ottoman empire, but after revolt a Turk led by Mustafoj Kemalem allies have agreed on revision of the requirements. The new Lozannsky contract cancelled the Sevrsky contract and has allowed Turkey to reserve East Thrace. Turkey has returned itself Armenia. Syria has passed to France; Great Britain has received Mesopotamia, Transjordan and Palestin; islands Dodecaneses in Aegean sea have been transferred Italy; the Arabian territory Hijaz at coast of Red sea should receive independence.

Infringements of a principle of self-determination of the nations have caused Wilson's disagreement, in particular, he sharply protested against transfer of Japan the Chinese port of Tsingtao. Japan has agreed to return in the future this territory to China and has fulfilled the promise. Wilson's advisers have offered instead of actual transfer of colonies to new owners to resolve it management as trustees of League of the nations. Such territories have been named «подмандатными».
Though Lloyd George and Wilson opposed punishment measures for the put losses, struggle on this question has ended with a victory of the French party. To Germany reparations have been imposed; the question that it is necessary to include in the list of destructions shown for payment was exposed to long discussion also. At first the exact sum did not appear, only in 1921 its size – 152 billion marks (33 billion dollars) has been defined; further this sum has been lowered.

The principle of self-determination of the nations became key for many people presented at peace conference. Poland has been restored. Hard there was a problem of definition of its borders; transfer to it so-called «the Polish corridor» which gave vent to the country to Baltic sea had special value, separating East Prussia from other Germany. In Baltic region there were new independent states: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland.

Up the time of conference convocation the Austro-Hungarian monarchy has already stopped the existence, on its place there was Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Romania; borders between these states carried a problematic nature. The problem has appeared difficult because of the mixed moving of the different people. At an establishment of borders of the Czech state interests of Slovaks have been touched. Romania has doubled the territory at the expense of Transylvania, the Bulgarian and Hungarian earths. Yugoslavia has been created from old kingdoms of Serbia and Montenegro, parts of Bulgaria and Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina and Banat as parts of Timishoare. Austria remained the small state with the population in 6,5 million the Austrian Germans which third lived in the become impoverished Vienna. The population of Hungary has strongly decreased and made now apprx. 8 million persons.

At the Parisian conference exclusively persistent struggle was conducted round idea of creation of League of the nations. Under Wilson's plans, general J.Smetsa, the lord R.Sesilja and their other adherents, the League of the nations should become a guarantee of safety for all people. At last the League charter has been accepted, and after long debate four working groups have been generated: Assembly, Council of League of the nations, Secretary and Constant chamber of the international justice. The league of the nations has founded mechanisms which could be used its member states for war prevention. In its frameworks the various commissions for the decision of other problems were issued also. The LEAGUE of the NATIONS see also.

The agreement on League of the nations represented that part of the Versailles contract which have suggested to sign and Germany. But the German delegation has refused to put under it the signature on the ground that the agreement did not correspond to "Fourteen points» Wilson. Eventually, the National meeting of Germany recognized the contract on June, 23rd 1919. Драматически the arranged signing has taken place five days later in the Versailles palace where to 1871 Bismarck in ecstasy a victory in ex-Prussian war has proclaimed creation of the German empire.


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