The given book is written in specific „стком style, and this style together
With the dense maintenance under the information on the first reading can cause much
Emotions because of which mastering of the maintenance of the given work becomes complicated. For one
This book it will not be possible to master and apprehend perusal. I advise to you after
The first reading to make a pause of days on 7, on 10 and after that it is quiet
To re-read this text repeatedly.
Repeated reading is always more interesting initial. Knowingly earlier in Russia
There was such saying: intellectuals of books don't read, they re-read them.
The given book is written as much as possible simply though the information density is high and
The main thing - it is written from the positions of the pagan lost in today's Russia.
I am assured that on the second reading you in another way will apprehend this work and not
Will regret about a downtime.
And if you attentively read this book the third time she will allow you
To pass in pagan information field. It will change your consciousness.
It will help to clear your subconsciousness, your genetic memory, to wake
And to lift our Russian Gods. We Aryans - children of our Gods. In us is
Something большее, than we know about ourselves. Our Gods - in us, they in ours
Genes. In this information the huge latent force and energy. It will help us
In thousand times to become stronger and to achieve the victory, prosperity and the present
Spiritual power.
Choosing Gods - we choose destiny
Сообщений 1 страница 10 из 17
Поделиться12010-09-03 00:39:25
Поделиться22010-09-03 00:41:53
Now we live in a space age of Fishes - epoch of total lie and
Total deceits. Today to prove this statement it is possible.
Simply enough to look at the life experience and a few to reflect.
The person who was born and lived in the USSR to Stalin's death, remembers, whom was for
The Soviet person Stalin. The Soviet mass-media - mass media
(Or is more correct - means mass идиотизации) - have made of Stalin
The third god after Lenin who was the second god of the Soviet person.
Charles Marx was considered as the first god.
When Stalin has died, all Soviet people have apprehended it as space
Accident and in the first week after this death waited, at least,
Apocalypse. But anything terrible hasn't occurred, life proceeded, as well as
Before. Of Stalin have made a mummy and have put in "the sacred" mausoleum near to
Other "eternally live" god - Lenin.
Has passed time. Have come ХХ and ХХII CPSU congresses. Also it was found out that
Stalin, appears, any not god, and the present devil. "Has deformed"
"Light" ideals of Marxism, did something not that bequeathed to it "great"
Lenin, has killed weight true ленинцев and etc. the Soviet people have tested
The second shock. From the Soviet pantheon of gods - the mausoleum of one god (Stalin)
Have thrown out, second (Lenin) have left. History textbooks began to copy,
"Improving" and "worsening" history fragments according to requirements
Current political situation.
Has opened вс „he/she is the real hero, true communist-leninets Nikita Khruschev,
Cleared the CPSU from distortions and perversions. Means mass идиотизации
Have begun to sing of Khruschev, and it confidently moved тропою the sacred person
In the Soviet pantheon of gods. But then suddenly and Khruschev have removed. And here it was found out,
As the new leader of great Communist Party - Khruschev any not sacred, and
Thorough "the voluntarist, the pervert of Leninism and communism". People have tested
Again shock, but already small. Have started to get used to overthrow of lime gods.
History textbooks have copied once again.
Поделиться32010-09-03 00:43:08
Has opened вс „it and has even more cleared the CPSU to unknown cleanliness next
The present communist - marksist-leninets L „ня Brezhnev. The same later has repeated
The history and from L „it Brezhnev. History textbooks again began to cut to pieces.
The people, except for perfect morons, began to understand that to it fool
Head. That the power deliberately hides truth from the people and misinforms
The people.
Reorganization has then begun горбач „вская. The Jewish children were so
Named enemies of the people again have started to clear the CPSU from сталинизма,
Coming back to "light" ideals of Leninism, for their which time favourite and
"Innocently suffered daddies cut out about 40 million best
Representatives of Russian people. Some researchers give figure
The persons destroyed to 60 million. Certainly, number of victims of Russian people in
Result of the Jewish occupation hardly it will be possible to establish precisely. Obviously
One, is a number astronomical and is estimated tens millions
Human lives. But at the Jewish children of enemies of the people this number not
Has passed. Russian patriots and nationalists have broken great Soviet god
Lenin also have shown that Lenin not only not god, and a devil. Then
"перестройщики" have tried to clear communism of Leninism, coming back to
To "light" ideals of Marxism. At them it again hasn't passed. Russian patriots
Have broken also this false god - Charles Marx who besides has appeared
The Satanist.
Поделиться42010-09-03 00:45:20
The people began to remember that during all period of blossoming of communism
The power constantly struggled with any antiadvisers and anticommunists, and,
Though the nobility that these anticommunists speak and write, it was forbidden,
The people began to guess that anticommunists, seemingly, told truth. For
It is them both pursued, and forbade. Lie to forbid not necessarily, е „it is easy
To break arguments.
From the point of view of the mighty of this world the situation became badly operated. Communism,
As the information weapon, began to work badly. What to do? New pseudo-religion
For a month and year you will not write.
It was necessary to get from dusty closets for a long time thrown god - Jesus
The Christ. And who gets? Yes вс „the same, the same gang of the mighty of this world, the same
Gang were капээсэсовцев. Those who has smoothly crossed from district committees, city town committees and
Communist Party committees in the executive and representation power.
Earlier in the USSR slogans "Glory of the CPSU" constantly flaunted. Now everywhere
Slogans "the Christ flaunt has revived". And confuses nobody that these
Inscriptions are illegal and Constitutions in which it is registered that contradict
Russia is a secular state.
Поделиться52010-09-03 00:46:35
The former candidate for members of the Political bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU Borja Yeltsin kisses with
The protege of the CPSU Patriarch of All Russia Alex the second and almost doesn't sing
"Our Otche, Izhe еси on небеси". There and then all were партократия (Luzhkov,
Tchernomyrdin etc.) has run in church (which партократия pulled down all 70
Years) and with candles in hands it has started to be christened before television cameras, designating
"Sanctity" of Christian belief. In the people it is a lot of silly people, but in vain they
Think that their majority.
The people part too has run in embraces to Christian priests in searches
Trues. And whether there is there a true?
Let's reflect, and what in general occurs? Whether drive us on
безконечному to a lie circle? Who and what for созда „т false gods and false religions?
The answer is simple. False religion - the most powerful information weapon for
Managements of consciousness and behavior of people in interests of very narrow grouping
The conspirators aspiring to the power at any cost and to an establishment of
Dominations. They cut off the information at the people and immerse the people in the false
Information field from which the people can't escape.
Why for the Soviet person in communism Lenin and Stalin were
Gods? Yes because the people have shipped in the corresponding false
Information field also didn't let out therefrom. And who had enough reason to understand
This lie with which him fed, that put in prisons or shot. Here and
All technique.
Поделиться62010-09-03 00:48:04
But it is not necessary to think that that cheating which occurred in the USSR in
The communism period is any exception in global historical
Process. Unfortunately, a space age of Fishes - all such, based on lie,
Deceit and violence. And this lie lasts not last 70 years, and already a little
Millenia. Lie forms change only. One form of lie changes other form
Lie. One gang of villains in power changes other gang of villains in power. And
The general situation changes seldom. And so occurs in all Christian
The countries.
Поделиться72010-09-03 00:54:46
With Jesus Christ and with Christianity as with religion a situation absolutely
The similar. And with Moiseem and a Judaism the same situation. Owners of a Judaism and
Christianities copied the "sacred" stories (the Bible and the Talmud) not less,
Than Communards copied the textbooks of history. Simply in the XX-th century all
Social processes were sharply accelerated, games of politics become visible on
Extent of life of one person and a cheating with change of gods (Leninyh and
Сталиных, Khruschevs and Brezhnevs, Mao Tszedunov and the Floor of Sweats) become
The obvious. With Jesus and Moiseem it is a bit more difficult, as developments
Societies at the time of a Judaism and Christianity were much more slowly, and
The cheating wasn't appreciable throughout life of one person.
And that the world history wouldn't be then understood, real
The world history is closed and forged. Here and all technology.
It becomes under the formula of the fine novel of Dzhorzha Oruella (1984): "The one who
Supervises the past, that supervises the future. Who supervises the present,
That supervises the past ". That is the one who has seized power in the present
Time, copies history for the purpose of the domination in the future.
Поделиться82010-09-03 00:56:16
It is not necessary to think that communists were engaged in history falsification only.
It is incorrect. In all Christian countries of the world official history
It is forged. Still Onore де Balzac in "Lost dreams" wrote:
"There are two histories: false official history... And secret history, where
The original reasons of events "are visible. Roots of historical events immeasurably
More deeply, than it is presented in an official history. For example, Jewish
Communistic revolution in Russia was planned not in 1917 1917,
Not in 1905 and not in 1848 when Marx has written the Manifesto of Communist Party.
This revolution was planned for some thousand years till 1917. Knowledge about
Real history are deliberately cut off, as it is the key information for
Understanding of managerial processes by the world.
Поделиться92010-09-03 00:58:52
Christians cut off and forged knowledge not less, than Communards.
When Christians have seized power in Roman empire, the first that they
Have made, - have reduced to ashes the hugest Alexandria library,
Preliminary having taken out therefrom weight of books for a narrow circle of the devoted.
Communards killed and put far-outers in prisons, and Christians simply burned down
Them on fires. And the Judaism has destroyed in Sinai desert the whole people - ancient
Jews - and as a result Sinai experiment has created new Jews in a kind
Biorobots. Here to you and a difference between religions.
If you seriously understand a question on the one who is now real
Corrects in the Christian countries you easily will see that in all Christian
The world, so-called democracy, today corrects жидократия. As to Jews
It was possible to take the power? For сч „т that? For сч„ т religions. But not one only
Religions - a Judaism, and for сч „т several connected in a uniform complex
The Jewish religions: a Judaism, Christianity and communism.
Поделиться102010-09-03 01:00:31
Antagonism of such dogmas as a Judaism, the Christianity and communism, carries
Purely demagogical and visible character. Contradictions between these
By dogmas are deliberately inflated. And actually these three dogmas have
The same roots and one owner - world Jewry, and still above -
Occult devilish owners. These dogmas as three крапленые cards of one
And the same gang of the players playing шулерскую game. Their problem - вс„
Time to change one blende for another and not to give possibility to the person to leave for
Limits of this false information field in which it have shipped. For
This gang all these dogmas: the Judaism, Christianity and communism is all
Only their information weapon which is thought up in the same workshop
And with the same purpose: to operate consciousness and behavior of people and for сч „т
It to dominate over them. And all visible struggle of these dogmas is all
Only operated conflict.