Game in a thimble is similar шулерская. In it play "on a paw" (on the uniform
The purpose) some swindlers, playing different roles in one performance before
The unsophisticated person. And it seems to this person that is valid
There is a struggle process, someone wins, someone loses, at all
Different opinions, disputes, emotions. In summary the person remains without money.
The technology of that grouping which has grasped and keeps the power in
The Christian world on deduction of people in false information field,
Consists in kindling of visible struggle of ideas and opinions in this space.
That to the thinking person was about what to reflect. Who is more right or isn't right?
Lenin or Stalin? Trotsky or Kautsky? The Christ or Moisej? What
Christian church the most true: Catholic, orthodox,
Protestant or Gregorian? Human life won't suffice, that
To read all false books of it иудохристианского the world, to understand them and
To escape from this false information field.
Choosing Gods - we choose destiny
Сообщений 11 страница 17 из 17
Поделиться112010-09-03 01:02:58
Поделиться122010-09-03 01:13:14
Nevertheless, now all these false religions have exhausted. Have sputtered out. At
They aren't present the future. The space age of Fishes comes to an end with all lie.
But that occult devilish grouping which corrects today
The Christian world, don't intend to hand over the power without struggle. For this
Groupings a problem of old religions for today simply to win time and
To hold on until the new information weapon will be created -
XXI-st century pseudo-religion. It is already written in America. This devilish grouping
Has involved for creation of this pseudo-religion of experts of very wide profile.
Whether that at them it will turn out and will turn out - it is not known.
Now in Russia ostensibly democracy and ostensibly a freedom of speech. But it is next
Lie, freedom of speech both weren't earlier and now it „стко ограниченна.
The area of closing of the information changes only. Earlier at communists was
The criticism of communism and those who was engaged in it is closed, named
Anticommunists, fascists, extremists, covered other labels and
Cruelly pursued. These anticommunists angrily branded on the TV, not
Allowing to read that they have written.
Поделиться132010-09-03 01:14:54
Well and, of course, the most forbidden and pursued theme is the reason and a root
All problems. It is a role of world Jewry in world historical process.
All seventy years of the Soviet communism this theme was the most forbidden and
The most pursued. It is literally next day after power capture
Bolsheviks had been installed the Lenin animal law "About
Anti-Semitism ". He completely forbade not only to the critic of actions of the world
Jewries, but also any mention of the facts of real acts of Jews. This
The animal Lenin law had no analogs in the world legislative
And legal practice. At Stalin at the time of so-called
The state anti-Semitism a simple mention of a role of Jews in revolution
1917 it was punished at the best by 25 years of a Gulag.
Поделиться142010-09-03 01:16:34
Today disclosing of the facts of monstrous Jewish crimes is blocked with
The help of 282nd article of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation (excitation national,
Racial or religious hostility). On the TV souls having a burr angrily brand
Anti-semites, nazis and "damned fascists", but, naturally, to anybody from
"Fascists" don't allow to express and don't allow to the people to familiarize that
These write "damned fascists". Already one this aspiration to close the information,
To close discussion of this theme suggests an idea thinking people that
The power is afraid of truth, therefore and pursues anti-semites and "fascists".
The problem of the given book - to open false essence and roots of such pseudo-religions,
As Christianity, communism and a Judaism. And to show true, instead of
The declared purposes of these religions and the uniform owner of all these dogmas.
And the main thing - to deduce the reader in other, based not on belief, and on knowledge
Information field of another ancient and national (not only for Russian, but
And for all Aryans) religions - paganisms or ведизма - religions which can
Also should (with our participation) to become base of the present religion of the XXI-st century. Then
Era Aquarius it becomes valid the Era of mankind essentially another
The highest level.
Поделиться152010-09-03 01:18:18
The era Fishes is an epoch of total lie both total deceits. And this deceit
Occurs not only at level of pseudo-religions, history and philosophy. It is perverted
вс „and all: both physics, and mathematics, and astronomy, and языковедение, and all sciences
To a greater or lesser extent. All living languages are perverted, perverted all
Explanatory dictionaries. All system of knowledge and system of values, all is perverted
Concepts about good and harm, that is good and that is bad. Standard
Outlook одуряет all - and geniuses and morons. It is made вс „not only with
The help of mass dogmas. There are also more thin ideological methods.
Subtleties become by means of the secret Judaic weapon: Servitude. In books
Servitude write or with two бб (Cabbala), or put an accent on a first syllable,
But вс „it is methods of concealment of an essence of this word. And the essence of this word is simple: it
Simple Russian word - "servitude" with an accent on a final syllable. Servitude -
It is prison, bondage. To enslave - means to enslave, заневолить, to entangle
Chains. And these chains are not on hands or feet of people. These chains
Take root into heads of people, in their consciousness, in their mentality.
Поделиться162010-09-03 01:20:43
In ancient times the slave entangled by chains, was much more free
The today's person-slave at whom chains are introduced in own head, in
Own consciousness.
The scientific knowledge иудохристианского the world also is enslaved. Are closed for
Understanding all primary base concepts and categories also are perverted. Physicists not
Understand and can't give ч „тких definitions of that: what is time that such
Space that such energy that such a matter that such spirit that the such
The information that such accident (in ч „m its nature). Mathematicians not
Understand that such number that such a point that such a line. Linguists not
Understand that such a letter and, as such word.
Goebbels was absolutely right, at once having divided a science on Aryan and on
Поделиться172010-09-03 01:24:23
Without restoration of Russian national religion - paganisms Russian people
Can't count on normal and harmonious development. And moreover,
Now, when against Russian people the most powerful is conducted
Undeclared information and administrative war, without the national
Religions Russia can fall in chaos and descend from the world scene on boondocks
Mankind. And Russian people can comprehend a fate of natives of America
(Indians) whom new owners of America basically have destroyed, and the rests
Have tired out in a reservation.
Only most „сткий and безкомпромиссный (all words of this kind
Correctly to write with a prefix "without", instead of "demon", explanatories will be given more low)
The nationalism can and should rescue Russian people. And the present nationalism
It is impossible without the national religion, without communication with the native
Russian Gods.