The belief is means for обманывания fools Religion is a communication facility
With Gods.
It is better to know that you know nothing, than to trust.
The religion and belief is not same, these are different concepts. A word
"Religion" (an armor. religio) is a communication. Communication with whom? With Gods, with the space
Forces. The concept of belief directly isn't included into concept of religion. Not all
Religions demand belief. There are religions (more precisely, pseudo-religions), based on
To belief, and there are the religions which are based on knowledge.
Christianity - the religion which is based on belief, and paganism, or ведизм (from
Words веда - the knowledge) about which we will talk more low, - is based on the real
Knowledge which can be checked up. Real knowledge doesn't need belief.
For example, the theorem of Pifagora doesn't need, whether you trust in it or not.
You can е „know or not know. To understand or not to understand. If to speak
Absolutely precisely, the religions which are based on belief, is not religions in general, it