But shameful exposures don't stop unfair athletes. They hope that they will manage to cover up traces. And, by the way, nobody did it so masterly, as the Argentina football genius Diego Maradona.
The crime scheme: the star years Maradona has spent in Italian of "Napoli" where has started to take cocaine. Say that the magician of a ball on drugs was placed by local Mafiosis to manipulate money of the richest football player in the world. Safely to pass regular doping tests, Maradona has made to itself an artificial member. It was filled with pure "donor" urine and put on the present genital. The fake has been made so skillfully that officers антидопинговой the commissions long time about what didn't suspect.
The question price: in "Napoli" Maradona received fabulous for those times money — 800 thousand dollars a year.
Payment: in 1992 Maradona has earned 15-month's disqualification. And when its second time have caught on a dope during the world-94 championship in the USA (in its analyses has been found out эфедрин), it has been compelled to finish career, as a matter of fact.